Monday, 30 December 2019

Drop your website URL for reviews


this is the first time I'm hosting url reviews because of numerous questions I'm getting from bloggers. there are some blogger's problems that needs urgent reassessment evaluation.
I and my colleagues will be answering any questions related to blogging and reviewing of URL .this could be a way of getting back links .

A good website is totally useless without a good may have a good seo but poor design chases your readers away from coming back to your website.
Your blog may be a technology blog but you re using entertainment theme, you blog or forum may have good design but not unique, you may have a good design but bad navigation, bad logo,bad layout ,not mobile friendly etc
There are somethings that kills our blog but we don't know, for instance if your blog is slow in loading I bet you,you would lose some of your visitors,if you are not using responsive theme/template ,if your website is not mobile friendly,if your website and contents are not well optimized definitely you are going to lose your visitors,I really hate sites that sucks mb.

Also copying of other's design or cloning popular themes is not good,you can be unique in your own way,many blogger do copy and paste which is bad for their reputation.

I'will review all the URLS that will be dropped in comment section,make sure to include description of your website.
You can write down your blogging problems/challenges/queries  along with your URL for reviews 

Your blog must be frequently updated,drop only active links for reviews don't forget to ask your blogging problems if there 's any.