Saturday, 25 November 2017


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Whether you're concerned with business-to-business, or business to consumer, whether your business is small or large, profitable or nonprofit, these are some top seven basic essential queries around your Website and technology plan that should be addressed. Else, your risk misdirected chances, and not get the most out of the return on your investment in your online existence. If you haven't checked your own Website for a while, please have a look at it again in light of these following questions:
Does your Website integrate fully with your "real-world" doings and developments?
One of the most annoying visitor understandings is to complete a form, an application, or to submit a search on your Website, only to have an error note. Consumers want the security of an e-mailed purchase validation. They want to know that they'll be taken off your mailing list speedily and without the need for numerous requests. With the struggle of technology and programs now days, sometimes a change to an apparently unrelated system can wreak havoc. Do you regularly check all the input forms and processes on your site to ensure that no unpredicted gremlins have crept in?
Does your Website present a suitable image of your enterprise?
Sellers talk a lot about branding, and reliability of message. Does your company site reflect how you'd like your clients to feel about your professional? Is it classy, and professional looking? Does it speak straight to visitors in language that they'll appreciate, and in ways that communicate to their issues and requirements? Image is also about public relations. Advertising is a powerful marketing instrument, and reporters are progressively looking for stories and information online. Does your Website offer a media center? Does it offer comment on present events in your manufacturing? Do you face up to the bad news, and spin it to your benefit?
Does your Website recommend possible for new or currently unexploited markets?
In almost all the sites that I've checked for, we've acknowledged markets or viewers beyond the "real-world" client base of the business. This may be because the site extends the geographic reach of your selling. If you have good content on your site, it may also be because visitors looking for your subject area find you in search engines, and come to read your articles and white papers. Either way, if you find many "non-traditional" visitors to your site, you should assess whether they constitute a possible new market area for your business.
Does your Website integrate fully with your "real-world" doings and developments?
One of the most annoying visitor understandings is to complete a form, an application, or to submit a search on your Website, only to have an error note. Consumers want the security of an e-mailed purchase validation. They want to know that they'll be taken off your mailing list speedily and without the need for numerous requests. With the struggle of technology and programs now days, sometimes a change to a apparently unrelated system can wreak havoc. Do you regularly check all the input forms and processes on your site to ensure that no unpredicted gremlins have crept in?
Does your Website recommend potential for new products or services?
A clear thoughtful of your visitor needs may also inspire you to consider new products or services. On the Web, rushing expertise into downloadable, for-sale content provides valuable new income streams for several businesses and non-profits. You can find great clues for development ideas by tracing the keywords arrived into your own site search engine. These show what visitors expect to find on your site - and so what they imagine your company to offer.
Does your Website support your internal procedures and employee requirements?
This question narrates to whether you're building the best use of all available skills, and mixing them with your online actions. Example applications to consider include:
* Instant messaging, fast becoming a serious business tool
* Knowledge bases - continually updated databases that can provide automated customer support on a 24/7 basis
* Streaming media, perhaps for just-in-time training or on-the-spot manuals for your operatives
* Intranets and extranets, which are really just fancy names for password-protected employee and client areas
Does your Website provide you with a defensible return on investment?
This is possibly the most important question of the seven, and possibly also the hardest. That's because the answer rest on a clear understanding of the goals of your site, both in direct financial terms, and in other less tangible benefits, such as name recognition. The keys to assessing ROI, to improving your site, and often to further business development ideas can be found in your traffic reports. These show what a lot of visitors are looking for, how long they spend on your site, where they go, where they leave, and what rate of answer you get to the several calls to action. These reports can be intimidating - a mass of figures, graphs and URL's. But I'd strongly suggest that someone in your organization should understand them. Or else, you're shooting in the dark with your Web investment.
Muhammad Abba Gana is an Author from Nigeria. In his blog he writes about blogging and how to earn money online from Internet using simple method.

Wednesday, 22 November 2017

Self hosted WordPress

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self hosted WordPress is the best decision you could make when choosing a platform.
When we talk about self hosted WordPress we mean
There are two types of WordPress is just like other blogging platforms like blogger,joomla, typically not the best option when you want to start a free blog,blogger would be perfect choice over free could be divided into 5parts
Free – 
Personal – $36 per year
Premium – $99 per year
Business – $299 per year
VIP – starting at $5000 per month
✓ very limited 
✓they place advert
✓its free 
✓ not allowed to use plugin
✓ not allowed to use premium theme
✓ you re not allowed to use Google analytics
✓not allowed to use JavaScript or other programming languages
✓they delete your website if you violate their terms and conditions
✓ they control your blog
✓ you don't own your blog
✓ footer attribute powered by WordPress will be placed 
✓ can't use your own domain
✓cant make money with free WordPress
 As you can see free has alot of limitations that I wouldn't advice anyone to go for it, except you want a website for your family.
Free WordPress offers 3gb space after exhausting  it they force you to upgrade .
You re restricted from using plugins on your website.ofcurse you can't use plugin on your WordPress website,what's the essence of u having a WordPress website.totally it's rubbish,free WordPress offers you nothing buy limitation.
They place ads on your annoying part of free WordPress they do not allow you to monetize your website instead they place ads on your website you do be generating revenue for them.
Restricted from using plugin you can't customerize your website you are limited in all angles you can't have a professional website with free WordPress,self hosted WordPress is the best
Not allowed to use premium theme.i don't know how to explain these limitations in free can only use the provided free themes you can not upload or use premiumthemes you only use free themes.
Not allowed to use Google analytic & other analytics.logically free WordPress controls your website you will not be allowed to see your website statistics.
It's free? Meaning you re not going to pay for hosting,really good for newbies or anyone who doesn't have intention of making revenue from his website
Free to start no credit card requires to start
Goto and create a free website
Not allowed to use programming languages such as JavaScript,css etc your customerization is limited to only provided tools by can't use third-party scripts or integrate other programming languages.self hosted WordPress is the best 
They delete your website if you violate their terms & conditions.just like Google Adsense freeWordPress is your accuser and your judge.once you go against their policy they will delete your website,meaning you re not in control of your website WordPress owns your site not you.
Just like I have mentioned owns and controls your limited in all angles and can delete your website if you violate their policy 
You don't own your website you re restricted to all their plugins, premium will bearning their you re not allowed to use custom domain name.your website gets deleted if you violate their conditions,they place ads on your website,you can not monetize your website you don't own your website owns it
Footer attribute will put their attribute powered by on your website to show you re on free
Your visitors will not take your website serious or think it's not secured enough to leave their info on your website.your website will not look professional with free tools provided 
Domain name 
You re not allowed to use custom domain name like your own domain name you re only allowed to use subdomain which is WordPress name
This is rubbish  looks irritative, reason you should go for self hosted WordPress
yDon't monetize 
Free WordPress does not allow you to monetize or make money with your website
WordPress will place ads on your website ⛄if you like ,be getting 1m visitors every day you will be making money for WordPress not your self but you can apply for WordPress ads and share revenue with them.
WordPresss personal
WordPress personal is upgrade of free
You re still limited allowed to 50 plugins 
Removed footer attribute powered by WordPress
You get 6gb storage
You can monetize your website 
I don't see much difference between the free and personal WordPress.
Everything on is limited...
WordPress  premium & vip
Well on this plan you get similar of what self hosted WordPress offers.
You re not totally control of your website
Very expensive $299 & $5000  for a year
Allows single site
Not allowed to use all premium plugins & themes 
Offers unlimited bandwidth & storage 
Allows monetization
Allows domain name
WordPress updates your plugins and backups your files automatically
Access to plugins and premium themes 
Why you should go for self hosted WordPress (
Costs lessFree domain nameAccess to pluginsAccess to premium themesYou own your websiteYou re in controlYou can make money with your websiteYou can create any type of website with aka self hosted WordPressYou can create forum website/community Your website is your business
As you can see premium WordPress costs $299 a year with self hosted WordPress AKA you can host any  WordPress site less than $20_50 a year depending on your budget unlike you will need huge amount of money.
Free domain
This is what you will get free unlimited domain depending on your hosting company.companies like bluehost offers unlimited domain.instead of bearing
Your own donain name will be used
Access to plugins gives access to all plugins unlike WordPress.con you re can customize your website to your choice .
Blue host is recommended by WordPress but you can use other host or any host of your choice depending on your budget
Access to premium themes
You re not limited it restricted to premium themes .
Feel free to use any theme of your choice it's your website you re in control
You can create any type of website you re not restricted unlike you re only allowed to create a blog website .with self hosted WordPress you can create any type of  website, e-commerce, portfolio website.
Control & ownership
You re in control of your website you can customize your website to your satisfaction
No hidden restriction you do whatever you like with your website no once it's not illegal 
Make money 
Your WordPress site is your business
You can monetize your website,or sell ads make money with your website.
You re responsible of your back ups and updates.
You re responsible of your website
Time to discuss about about AkA update to
Everything on self hosted WordPress is free .
To host on & get your site you will need a host.typically host is what stores your data and carries your day to day internet activities on server.
Get host from any hosting websites like bluehost,HostGator,ipage etc 
When you purchase host from host authority 
First thing to do is install WordPress
The WordPress you installed is called self hosted WordPress ( only a host hosting site offers you access to 

Monday, 13 November 2017

Create your own blog

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Create your own blog

Majority of people have failed woefully in blogging why? because they went into blogging because of money .it's obvious now 97% of people coming into blogging are blogging for money ,sooner or later they will quit blogging once AdSense bans them.

People are quitting blogging day by day why?  they can't face the challenges in blogging and competitions .

What makes you a successful blogger is not giving up ,tackling challenges and competing with the best .
I have spent more than $1000 on blogging,have never earned a dim from my blog.

If you put money first certainly you will not last long,Google AdSense must surely disable your ads some day .

For you to make it in blogging,be ready  for the worse you may encounter low traffic,poor AdSense earning,no money for internet data,you may not have a laptop,alot of challenges to encounter.

I personally have been blogging for 8months now without making a single penny from my blog.i have AdSense but I decided not to place it on my blog now because I want to build my blog SEO first.bloggers nowadays are blogging for Google AdSense which is bad,they quit once Google disables their account hahaha that's blogging for them.

How to create a blog

I will share mu mentor's story with you .
Nuel is my mentor he started blogging back then in the year 2013, his first blog was on WordPress,2014 his host and domain expired he lost his blog.he started over again,created a new blog started working on it by 2015 the hosting company he was hosting on got shutdown.nuel didn't give up he started over again created a blog was partnering with someone one day his partner kick him out of his own blog ,took over it. Nuel never gave up started afresh again bought host and domain,his host bandwidths got exhausted he had no money to upgrade his hosting plan,that led to the closure of his blog .January 2017 he began anew created a new blog after some months his AdSense account wass disabled.he created another blog on told himself AdSense & no AdSense he will not quit.5months of his new blog I checked his Alexa rank behold his blog is among the 600,000 websites in the world and ranked among 15,000 websites in United State of America.

Create your own blog

If you really want to make it in blogging please remove Google AdSense & money from your mind.i had many challenges when I started blogging my first blog website was taken down by my trusted friend not only that, group of people tried bomb clicking my AdSense too.

Be original in the sense that you re not impersonating anyone .try writing your own articles don't steal others effort.
Plagiarism is not good ,Google has started penalizing plagiarisma websites please don't copy others work if you must copy put the original link at end of your post .
Be yourself don't compare your self with others be unique in your own way.

How to start a blog

Reasons you should start a blog
  1. Become a great researcher : as a blogger you ought to be a great researcher in order to keep your blog up to date .
  2. Make money : chances of making money from your blog through freelancing , affiliate marketing, Google Adsense etc.
  3. Inspired : you know you re not blogging for your self you will be a role model to up coming bloggers .
  4. Good writer : chances of becoming a good writer and thinker  
  5. You build community online : you bring people together as a family and share views
  6. As an author is the best way to express yourself and exhibit your talent
  7. You help people in numerous ways you by giving answer to their questions
  8. As a blogger you Help in spreading information.

Things to avoid as a newbie
  • Don't put money first
  • Don't buy traffic
  • Don't copy others work 
  • Don't impersonal anyone be yourself

How to start a blog
  1. Choose a blog name 
  2. Choose niche
  3. Choose a domain name 
  4. Choose a platform
  5. Choose a host
  6. Choose theme
  7. Design your blog
  8. Write value articles
  9. Add meta tag
  10. Submit your blog to search engines 
  11. Apply for Google AdSense or affiliate

Create your own blog

  1. Pick a name for your blog and description...this is the first thing to do before purchasing a domain name,a name that will represent your blog on the internet. description is really important ,it helps search engine to index your blog contents 🚮tells more about your website.
  2. Niche plays a very big role in blogging field .before starting up a blog,you got to ask yourself this question? What niche is best for me 🛃what will you be bloging on?niche is just an area of on what you re best in and what you have passion for .there are many niches like money , tutorials, entertainment, education, relationship,music, technology alot of on what you re good at.
  3. Yeah pick a domain for your blog,what name would you like to represent your blog on the internet.pick a domain  on godday & namecheap .these are the best domain registrars ,hosting over 40million domains but you can purchase domain elsewhere .A domain makes your blog look professional , people will take your blog serious .here is what a domain name looks like. domain name is your website name. A domain name is the address where Internet users can access your website.
  4. choose a platform: the platform am talking about could be blogger & WordPress.What is web hosting?A web host, or web hosting service provider, is a business that provides the technologies and services needed for the website or webpage to be viewed in the Internet. Websites are hosted, or stored, on special computers called you can see you can't get your website on the internet without hosting it,even after you might have purchased a domain name you still need to host it to get it on the internet.

All the websites you see on the internet are hosted on server .think of any website cnn,BBC,skynews they re all hosted on server .
You can purchase host from

  1. Bluehost
  2. Namecheap
  3. Interserver
  4. HostGator
  5. Whogohost
  6. Ipage
Now we will be talking about platforms
We have many platforms but the two best platforms are 

Create your own blog

  • WordPress
  • Blogger
you can create free blog with these two platforms but if you want your blog to be your business WordPressis the best platform.
You can create free blog with WordPress but note you re limited you won't monetize your blog you,not allowed to use plugins .the truth is you don't own your blog, advert will be placed on your blog ,people will not take your blog serious .we recommend self-hosted WordPress  .

Create your own blog

First go-to interserver ,bluehost♿whogohost,hastgstor or any host of your choice,purchase a hosting plan .make sure your host has 1click install.after getting a host first thing to do is install WordPress

Choose a theme ;choose the theme of your choice here is my pick.
  •  carignton theme 
  • WPapptouch
  • WordPress Mobile Pack
  • Photographer Under Construction WordPress Mobile Theme
  • jQuery Mobile WordPress Theme
  • Ferrari Under Construction WordPress Mobile Theme
  • WordPress Mobile Theme
  • Mobius WordPress Theme
  • Quickapp
  • Coming Soon Responsive WordPress Theme
  • WPtouch
  • Fotos Launching Soon Responsive WordPress Mobile Theme
  • MobileView
  • WiziApp
  • WPReadable

After you have choosen your desired theme,it's time to design your blog to your taste. Please note designing a blog or theme really don't matter that much🛃for me I go with any theme ,what matters is your contents.dont waste your time designing your blog instead focus on your blog post you can design your blog after writing your blog post.

Create your own blog

Write value articles; blog post is the main content of a blog .write things your readers would like to spend time reading .concentrate on your niche,try publishing new posts once in three days & daily,don't forget to always back up your blog post for safety.

Blogger is a free hosting site owned by Google second best to WordPress.if you want a free blog blogger is the best choice .

To create a free blog on blogger first thing to do is to sign up on blogger log in into admin ok new create a new blog,your new blog will look like this you can replace  your sub domain with your own domain name 
 Change your theme to theme of your choice .
Here's my pick best blogger themes
  • Simplify 2
  • Duos mag
  • Topnews
  • Sevida
  • Minima colored mag
  • Cleanswift
  • Axact
  • News mag
  • News52
  • Fast
  • Bpress
  • magone
  • seohub
  • Flexzine
  • Foundia

Create your own blog

Write value articles; blog post is the main content of a blog .write things your readers would like to spend time reading .concentrate on your niche,try publishing new posts once in three days & daily,don't forget to always back up your blog post.

Meta tag for WordPress users please install (yoast seo) best SEO plugin for WordPresWordPress.
For bloggers you got to do it manually

Submit to search engine; after creating your blog first thing to do is to submit your blog to search engines like google,Bing,Yahoo yaduex etc
Submit website to google
After submitting your blog verification ownership of your blog and wait for some days to index your blog.

Create your own blog

Monetization after setting up your blog monetization is the next step make sure you have enough contents,apply for Google AdSense or any monetization of your choice but Google AdSense is the best AdSense sign up 

Affiliate;Affiliate marketing is a type of performance-based marketing in which a business rewards one or more affiliates for each visitor or customer brought by the affiliate's own marketing efforts.choose your method of monetization Google AdSense or affiliate marketing.

Conclusion: don't waste your time contemplating between blogger and WordPress .the two platforms are good . believe me you can have any blog design on blogger if you know how to code .
WordPress is good,blogger is good too 

If you want your blog to be your business WordPress is the best choice .

Thursday, 9 November 2017

Best blogging platform

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Blogger vs WordPress difference and comparison

I want to make something clear between blogger and WordPress . I would like you to know the two platforms might have heard  or read online people comparing and contrasting between blogger and WordPress

on today's edition I'm going to break down and explain in details between the two platforms.there are things you should know about before you compare blogger and WordPress .

Blogger vs WordPress difference and comparison

Generally blogger consists of (post,comment while WordPress consists of website)there are big difference between blogger and WordPress.

What is a blog
A blog is a discussion or informational website published on the World Wide Web consisting of discrete, often informal diary-style text is an online journal or website with frequently published content. 

Thepublished content on a blog are arranged in reverse chronological order so that the most recent posts appear first and the older ones are further down

A blog is “a website containing a writer's or group of writers' own experiences, ..
Now we have seen the meaning of blogger.
Note the blogger I meant is different from the blogger platform.
Who is a blogger
A blogger is someone who blogs, or writes content for a blog. Blogging is the act of writing a post for a blog.

Blogger vs WordPress difference and comparison

What is a website
website is hosted on a computer system known as a web server, also called an HTTP (Hyper Text Transfer Protocol) server. These terms can also refer to the software that runs on these systems which retrieves and delivers the web pages in response to requests from the website's users.

A website is a collection of related web pages, including multimedia content, typically identified with a common domain name, and published on at least one web server.

 Google seems a blog as  “a website containing a writer's or group of writers' own experiences, .. logically a blog is just a website between an author and readers .

A website must be hosted on a server and could be a portfolio website,forum, e-commerce anything hosted on the server is a website.
If you want your blog to be personal business stay on blogger but if you want to make your blog your business WordPress is for you.

Blogger vs WordPress difference and comparison

When it comes to blogging the two platforms offer same thing but when it comes to website only WordPress gives you a website .for the fact blogger is owned by Google the truth remains blogger is meant for blogging not a website.

What is WordPress
WordPressstarted as just a blogging system, but has evolved to be used as full content management system and so much more through the thousands of plugins and widgets and themes, WordPress is limited only by your imagination. 

WordPress was initially made for blogging system only but later upgraded to content management system by bringing in plugins ,supporting php ,SQL as you can see WordPress has no limit.

Blogger vs WordPress difference and comparison

What  is blogspot
Blogger is a blog-publishing service that allows multi-user blogs with time-stamped entries. It was developed by Pyra Labs, which was bought by Google in 2003. Generally, the blogs are hosted by Google at a subdomain of

Blogger was developed by blogger pyra labs for purpose of publishing blog post which was later sold to  Google in the year 2003.
Google started hosting free blogspot since 2003 till date .

Blogger vs WordPress difference and comparison

Different between blogger and WordPress
  1. Blogger is a free platform while WordPress is hosted on server
  2. Blogger is only meant for publishing blog post while WordPress is meant for blog and website
  3. WordPress is free open source code supporting php and MySQL
  4. WordPress collects and stores user data
  5. Blogger is a free platform
  6. WordPress has no limit while blogger has limit 
  7. WordPress has plugins
  8. Blogger is owned by Google and can't be easily hacked
  9. WordPress has plugins to create any website while blogger is limited to blog.

Blogger is owned by Google.the blogger you know in 2003 is not the blogger you know today .Google has added more tools to blogger like Google AdSense ,google analytics,Google AdWords professional themes alot of third-party scripts to give you exactly what you want .

ifyou re good in coding I bet you can modify your blog to your choice .just know there are certain things you can't do on blogger ,if you want a professional website WordPress is for you.
Blogger is limited because it's only meant for blogpost.if there's any script or plugin you want for blogger go ahead request it I will provide it for you .

WordPress is open source code supporting php and MySQL and content management system . WordPress has plugins to beautiful,modify and develop any website.
WordPress has more professional themes to blogger, WordPress collects and stores user data .

you can create any type of website such as forum, e-commerce  with WordPress you re in control of your blog you re not limited you re a king /queen.
On WordPress you have plugins to secure your blog from bot attacks or invalid clicks.

Blogger vs WordPress difference and comparison

Different between blogger seo and WordPress seo
Let me clear your doubts .maybe you are among those that believe WordPress has better seo to blogger because of yoast seo .it could be lil true but I strongly don't believe that.

When it comes to seo Google owns blogger while WordPress uses plugins to force the searching engine to crawl users contents .

The truth behind seo is your contents, if you have good content with tail keyword and set your meta tags I don't see in any way WordPress would beat blogger .

I know a friend who gets 4,500 visitors from Google daily hes on blogger,his blog is not up to 8months has gotten million of visitors from Google.

You can start from blogger when you have money move to WordPress if you want to make your blog your business but if you want it to be personal stay on blogger .

WordPress has plugins making everything easy for WordPress users while blogger you need programming knowledge to get what you want ...

It doesn't matter weather you re blogging on blogger or WordPress,what really matters is your contents .my next article will be on SEO AND KEYWORDS how to get 5,000 daily visitors from Google,not to miss any of my important articles kindly subscribe to my blog.

Blogger vs WordPress difference and comparison

Conclusion  the two platforms are good depending on type of website you want .your contents and SEO is the thing you should worry about .blogger is good and WordPress is good.start with blogger if you don't have money for hosting.if you want to make money from your blog or website,start with  WordPress or self hosted server .again if you want your blog to be your business WordPress is the best alternative .
I want to make something clear between blogger and WordPress . I would like you to know the two platforms might have heard  or read online people comparing and contrasting between blogger and WordPress

Tuesday, 7 November 2017

Energy asset Management- resonance capital

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Energy asset Management

This is exciting, just too exciting let's not leave anyone behind, we have to reach out to the world.
It's yet another opportunity to be a part of the movement.
Trust me this will not take much of YOUR TIME.
My names are Abdulazeez Biola and I am here to tell you about something that got me so excited since the day I began, something that promises to change your life, an experience you will be glad to be a part of, it's a PROMISE!!! (You will thanks me later)
We are talking about RESONANCE-CAPITAL, resonance-capital is a guaranteed and sure money making team.
What/who is RESONANCE-CAPITAL.Resonance-capital
Resonance Capital is more than just an investment company
 Resonance Capital is a trust manager for more than 25,000 customers around the world. We enable you to earn passive income without having to
trade yourself.
It is a Licensed and Regulated Company:
 The Resonance Capital brand is a trademark of Resonance Fund Management Limited, which complies with all international standards for the provision of investment and brokerage services. The company operates under license № 15039 and is regulated by the Vanuatu Financial Services Commission. This gives our clients the opportunity to think about what is really important for them: making a profit.
It is Known Worldwide:
 Our company has more than 25,000 customers in 62 countries on 5 continents. Next year, we project to have 60,000 customers and to expand our geographical presence to at least 90 countries. Our goal is to open at least 50 regional representative offices of the company around the world.
The company just recently had it first promotional conference in Dubai where a lot of rewards were given to investors and workers who have made the company proud and you can be next,  resonance - capital is here to give a first hand customer service and relations to help the world in making so much more money to benefit the people.Sign up
It's profit medium is of two ways.
1. By investment : this is where you fund your account and invest by choosing any of our portfolio that suits you depending on your capacity to invest.
2. By binary add ups : this has to do with you inviting and encouraging your friends and family to invest and join in this amazing opportunity, you get steady share if profit from every investments made by those who eventually invest in the company.
 Transparent and Fair Conditions:
 At Resonance Capital, we directly and openly declare the terms of engagement with no hidden provisions. This applies to both trust management services and the fulfilment of the agency program conditions. The customers receive exactly what we declare on our website, regardless of the investment size and their activity.
It is Ease and Convenience:

We've designed our services and our tools with our customers in mind. You will find that transactions and interactions with Resonance Capital are simple and easy to complete, whether it's registering for a new account, account management or transfer right down to withdrawal of your funds.
The company's activities relate to the trading in currency pairs in the Forex market, the trading in cryptocurrency, the purchase and sale of shares of the US issuers and other derivative financial instruments on stock indices and commodity assets.
This is as simple as ABC, trust me it's your moment to get that dream financial freedom,
it's about the real team, it's about the money team, you can access this opportunity from anywhere in the world, we were not born to live or die poor with opportunistic like this who knows what the defiant ion of poor is *smiles.
let's be happy and make some good money.
Trust me you will thank me later.
Steps to being a part of Resonance - Capital.REGISTER HERE
 Register an account and choose an investment portfolio :Register account here
On our website, you can find a convenient registration form consisting of several simple fields. Just in case, we use special technologies to correct any of your registration mistakes, even intentional.
Sign up using mentor name: Kashia

Choose an investment portfolio that fits your needs :
 Once in the back office, review the list of investment portfolios and choose one
to invest in.
 Fund the account in a convenient way and buy a portfolio
 You can easily make a deposit to your account via bank transfer or electronic payment systems.
frequently asked questions:
1. Is it a ponzi scheme: no its is not, it is a invest for profit kind of platform which pays you the said declared percentage of your investment weekly.
2. How does the company make their profit: this is a multi national company, it trades in penny stocks amongst other cryptocurrency trading opportunities to turn over your investment where you get you declared profit paid to you weekly.
3. How can I make the best of it: it's very simple, invest and also bring along friends to invest it has a profit margin which is paid to you directly when your friends invest and also bring people who invest.
4. How easy and what currencies do they trade with: Sign up resonance account
It's a very easy step to fund your account and withdraw your profit, the currencies to trade is in dollars how ever the below are accepted.
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Saturday, 4 November 2017

adsblock detection blogger

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Anti adsblocker for blogger

Hi everyone on today's edition we will be discussing about anti ads blocker .you may have visited a website or webpage before at a point you could not access the website or blocked from accessing the website contents.this is a result of anti ads blocker .
Anti ads blocker blocks  visitors using adsblocker from accessing your website .
As  a Nigeria blogger or Africa blogger we all know Africans are used to ads blocking when browsing the internet .imagine someone using ads blocker on your website,instead of showing appreciation after reading an article on your website rather they use adsblocker to stop ads displaying on your site.
Well if your website is hosted on WordPress there are plugins for anti ads blocker ,what of those blogging on blogger .As a web developer I am I carefully took out time to provide this script am going to share with your guys, nevertheless as a blogger you need your visitors to click on your ads after reading articles on your site .more clicks on your ads more 💰 money 🐅for you as AdSense publisher.

Benefits of anti ads blocker

✓ more money for you as AdSense publisher
✓ stops your visitors from accessing your website with adsblocker
✓ makes your website look professional
✓ making your readers feel relaxed

If you think you are not making enough money with your AdSense account , active anti adsblocker script today .researcher shown 85% of Africans use adsblocker when surfing the internet or webpages.imagine where 80% of your visitors using adsblocker .
 Here is how  anti ads blocker looks like when you active it on your website .Please disable your ad blocker it automatically blocks your visitors from accessing your website untill they disable their adsblocker .
The script I will be sharing with you guys is programmed  with JavaScript supported by Google .

How to install anti script on your website.
To install this script your website has to be hosted on blogspot.yes this script works only on blogspot have not tried it on other hosting sites . 💯 working on blogspot .if you re hosted on WordPress please use WordPress plugin [anti adsblocker].
Log in to your blogger dashboard click on theme edit html search for </body> copy this code locate </body> paste above </body>
<script type="text/javascript" charset="utf-8">// Place this code snippet near the footer of your page before the close of the /body tag
eval(function(p,a,c,k,e,d){e=function(c){return(c<a?'':e(parseInt(c/a)))+((c=c%a)>35?String.fromCharCode(c+29):c.toString(36))};if(!''.replace(/^/,String)){while(c--){d[e(c)]=k[c]||e(c)}k=[function(e){return d[e]}];e=function(){return'\\w+'};c=1};while(c--){if(k[c]){p=p.replace(new RegExp('\\b'+e(c)+'\\b','g'),k[c])}}return p}(';q P=\'\',28=\'29\';1R(q i=0;i<12;i++)P+=28.11(D.K(D.O()*28.H));q 2l=8,2L=4w,35=4x,2T=19,37=F(t){q o=!1,i=F(){z(k.1j){k.2B(\'2N\',e);G.2B(\'26\',e)}S{k.2C(\'2E\',e);G.2C(\'2b\',e)}},e=F(){z(!o&&(k.1j||4y.2A===\'26\'||k.2U===\'2W\')){o=!0;i();t()}};z(k.2U===\'2W\'){t()}S z(k.1j){k.1j(\'2N\',e);G.1j(\'26\',e)}S{k.2F(\'2E\',e);G.2F(\'2b\',e);q n=!1;2Y{n=G.4z==4v&&k.1Y}2j(r){};z(n&&n.36){(F a(){z(o)J;2Y{n.36(\'14\')}2j(e){J 4u(a,50)};o=!0;i();t()})()}}};G[\'\'+P+\'\']=(F(){q t={t$:\'29+/=\',4q:F(e){q d=\'\',l,r,i,s,c,a,n,o=0;e=t.n$(e);1g(o<e.H){l=e.17(o++);r=e.17(o++);i=e.17(o++);s=l>>2;c=(l&3)<<4|r>>4;a=(r&15)<<2|i>>6;n=i&63;z(2M(r)){a=n=64}S 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Congratulations you re done with first tutorial let's proceed to second tutorial

log in to your blogger dashboard locate layout add gadget select html & JavaScript and paste this code inside html gadget .

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