Whether you're concerned with business-to-business, or business to consumer, whether your business is small or large, profitable or nonprofit, these are some top seven basic essential queries around your Website and technology plan that should be addressed. Else, your risk misdirected chances, and not get the most out of the return on your investment in your online existence. If you haven't checked your own Website for a while, please have a look at it again in light of these following questions:
Does your Website integrate fully with your "real-world" doings and developments?
One of the most annoying visitor understandings is to complete a form, an application, or to submit a search on your Website, only to have an error note. Consumers want the security of an e-mailed purchase validation. They want to know that they'll be taken off your mailing list speedily and without the need for numerous requests. With the struggle of technology and programs now days, sometimes a change to an apparently unrelated system can wreak havoc. Do you regularly check all the input forms and processes on your site to ensure that no unpredicted gremlins have crept in?
Does your Website present a suitable image of your enterprise?
Sellers talk a lot about branding, and reliability of message. Does your company site reflect how you'd like your clients to feel about your professional? Is it classy, and professional looking? Does it speak straight to visitors in language that they'll appreciate, and in ways that communicate to their issues and requirements? Image is also about public relations. Advertising is a powerful marketing instrument, and reporters are progressively looking for stories and information online. Does your Website offer a media center? Does it offer comment on present events in your manufacturing? Do you face up to the bad news, and spin it to your benefit?
Does your Website recommend possible for new or currently unexploited markets?
In almost all the sites that I've checked for, we've acknowledged markets or viewers beyond the "real-world" client base of the business. This may be because the site extends the geographic reach of your selling. If you have good content on your site, it may also be because visitors looking for your subject area find you in search engines, and come to read your articles and white papers. Either way, if you find many "non-traditional" visitors to your site, you should assess whether they constitute a possible new market area for your business.
Does your Website integrate fully with your "real-world" doings and developments?
One of the most annoying visitor understandings is to complete a form, an application, or to submit a search on your Website, only to have an error note. Consumers want the security of an e-mailed purchase validation. They want to know that they'll be taken off your mailing list speedily and without the need for numerous requests. With the struggle of technology and programs now days, sometimes a change to a apparently unrelated system can wreak havoc. Do you regularly check all the input forms and processes on your site to ensure that no unpredicted gremlins have crept in?
Does your Website recommend potential for new products or services?
A clear thoughtful of your visitor needs may also inspire you to consider new products or services. On the Web, rushing expertise into downloadable, for-sale content provides valuable new income streams for several businesses and non-profits. You can find great clues for development ideas by tracing the keywords arrived into your own site search engine. These show what visitors expect to find on your site - and so what they imagine your company to offer.
Does your Website support your internal procedures and employee requirements?
This question narrates to whether you're building the best use of all available skills, and mixing them with your online actions. Example applications to consider include:
* Instant messaging, fast becoming a serious business tool
* Knowledge bases - continually updated databases that can provide automated customer support on a 24/7 basis
* Streaming media, perhaps for just-in-time training or on-the-spot manuals for your operatives
* Intranets and extranets, which are really just fancy names for password-protected employee and client areas
* Instant messaging, fast becoming a serious business tool
* Knowledge bases - continually updated databases that can provide automated customer support on a 24/7 basis
* Streaming media, perhaps for just-in-time training or on-the-spot manuals for your operatives
* Intranets and extranets, which are really just fancy names for password-protected employee and client areas
Does your Website provide you with a defensible return on investment?
This is possibly the most important question of the seven, and possibly also the hardest. That's because the answer rest on a clear understanding of the goals of your site, both in direct financial terms, and in other less tangible benefits, such as name recognition. The keys to assessing ROI, to improving your site, and often to further business development ideas can be found in your traffic reports. These show what a lot of visitors are looking for, how long they spend on your site, where they go, where they leave, and what rate of answer you get to the several calls to action. These reports can be intimidating - a mass of figures, graphs and URL's. But I'd strongly suggest that someone in your organization should understand them. Or else, you're shooting in the dark with your Web investment.
Muhammad Abba Gana is an Author from Nigeria. In his blog he writes about blogging and how to earn money online from Internet using simple method.